Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Blogroll: Reformation Theology

Although it is certainly inexcusable, it is nevertheless to be expected that the world, lying in the power of Satan, should take offense at the doctrines of God’s free and sovereign grace in the gospel. But it is even less excusable, and certainly less understandable, that among professing evangelicals, the same sort of reaction is likely to occur. True, evangelical Christians dress up their objections in different ways, viewing them as a vindication of God’s character, or even as an adherence to biblical truths; but the plain fact of the matter is that anyone whose eyes have been opened by the Spirit to understand the scriptures, if he is honest in his pursuit of biblical teaching, must admit that such foundational gospel principles as election are shouted in the clearest of terms throughout the entire gamut of scripture. Hence, those Christians who are opposed to the doctrines (due to natural human ways of thinking), tend for the most part to skirt over exegetical and textual arguments, and immediately bring to bear certain logical arguments against the doctrines of Calvinism.

Read this blog at: http://www.reformationtheology.com/2006/04/three_common_objections_to_ele_1.php

Daily Prayers: April 11th

I pray to you, O Lord, to give me a ready sympathy with others, that I may look at things from their standpoint and see myself as they see me.

Source: "Daily Prayers" by F.B. Meyer

C. Matthew McMahon: Modern Day Heresy

The system of doctrine known as Arminianism is heresy. It is an offshoot from Pelagianism and Semi-Pelagianism. It has been adversely affecting the church and its doctrine for over 250 years. Men like Finney and Wesley, being the charismatic personalities they were, propagated the doctrine and resurrected the Pelagian error from the pit of hell once again to persecute the church of Christ. Today’s Arminians are not necessarily the same caliber as those of old. Historic Arminianism is altogether heretical. However, contemporary Arminianism is often confusing; it melds together a number of different theological ideas to come up with a theological “soup”. -C. Matthew McMahon

Source: http://www.apuritansmind.com/Arminianism/Arminianism.htm

Monday, April 10, 2006

Resource: Pursuit Of Godliness Series

Sovereign Grace Ministries currently presents five dynamic books in the Pursuit of Godliness book series. Written by pastors, each book stresses the importance of sound doctrine, the centrality of the local church, and the need for personal, practical application of spiritual truth. The books feature an inviting and highly readable format, as well as discussion questions at the end of each chapter, making them ideal for personal or small-group use.

PDF files of every chapter of each of the Pursuit of Godliness books are made available by Sovereign Grace Ministries free of charge for use by individuals, churches, or other groups. Reproduction and distribution of up to 100 paper copies of these PDF files free of charge is encouraged. Under no circumstances may a charge be rendered to the recipient, nor may the contents of these files be altered in any way.

Daily Prayers: April 10th

Holy Father! In you everything is found that can make your children glad, and I praise you with my whole being. You have kept me while I slept, so that I might awaken in safety, and to you I would consecrate my renewed strength. Let my heart, this morning, rejoice.

Source: "Daily Prayers" by F.B. Meyer

Jesse Morrell: Persecution

If a Christian falls out of bed in the middle of the night, he may blame the devil and call it spiritual warfare. If a Christian stubs his toe walking down the sidewalk, he may call it “an attack from the enemy”. But the truth is that the devil is not concerned with, or takes any notice of many of our Church members. It is pride that causes many of us to believe that the devil is coming against us. If we do not hit the devil hard, neither will he hit us hard. Do we really believe that the devil takes any notice of us, and that we are known in hell, if we merely keep to ourselves and stay in our “Church” buildings? If our witnessing merely consisted of the occasional friendly act of charity, why would the devil persecute us when he very well knows that “faith comes by hearing”? (Rom 10:17). We talk too much about having to defend ourselves from the enemy, but talk very little about the enemy having to defend himself from us. -Jesse Morrell

Dictionarium: ABORTION

ABOR'TION, n. [L. abortio, a miscarriage; usually deduced from ab and orior.]
1. The act of miscarrying, or producing young before the natural time, or before the fetus is perfectly formed.
2. In a figurative sense, any fruit or produce that does not come to maturity, or any thing which fails in its progress, before it is matured or perfect, as a design or project.
3. The fetus brought forth before it is perfectly formed.